Thursday, March 3, 2016

The SELVAGE is in our STARS

 The Quilt Guild of East Texas' quilt show is in less than 2 weeks. I was under enormous stress to finish my selvage quilt and after 2 years- I was determined it look the very best modern quilt I had ever created. Fully quilted... my anxiety to trim edges and bind were growing increasingly tense... so I put everything else on hold... planted myself in front of TV reruns... and spent all week finishing it up!!!
I am excited & relieved... to have completed the final stitches a few minutes ago!

Needing a place large enough to complete a quilt of this size-
I converted our dining room into a temporary sewing room

I spent ALL day Saturday cutting & piecing binding!

By Sunday's end- I had finished attaching the binding- 
and realized I now had WAYYYYY more than I had intended. 
Oh well... plenty left for pillows and curtains! 

...roll... pin... stitch

And for the next week+ 
I could be found right here- 
on this couch- buried beneath this quilt- 
stitching for hours at a time

It felt like I would never finish!
And then... I did!!!! Woooohoooo!

Sleeve needs to be 90 inches from quilts bottom 
to hang correctly at our show

Quilt Close-ups:

My quilt... at rest... allowed to lay flat--- 
me, off to collapse!


Kat said...

This looks awesome, Robyn! I love your selvage binding!

Unknown said...

The quilt is amazing! I am always in amazement when this quality is produced with so much imagination and professionalism! Totally awesome!

TylerRose said...

TY Kat. I created a real sewed bits of selvage binding... but it was too thick to turn. So after a yard or so... I auditioned several other options.
When I stumbled on this multicolored mock selvage stripe by Timeless Treasures I knew I was taking a chance... but decided to just do it. "Quilt Police" will likely hate it- but I am really glad I went with it!

TylerRose said...

TY so very much for your kind encouraging words. I am obsessed with collecting & creating with selvages- but this is my first queen sized quilt putting them to use...