Friday, June 18, 2021

Block6:NebulaBOM... June

I've grown in confidence in selecting fabrics, cutting, piecing, and just going for it. 
I am so grateful to Jaybird quilts for all her time, effort, & team support created through the online FB group shares. 
In many ways, I was forced to relearn how to sew a few years back. I truly believe these challenges have finally helped me regain a great deal of the confidence I had lost.
That shared...  I LOVE THIS BLOCK!!!
If my WIP basket were ever to grow empty- I would plant an entire quilt of these blocks that look like wildflowers to me! 
After piecing the first block, I learned the harder manipulation, where my errors were, and what to tweak. After this I worked on the next three at the same time.
2 blocks are my fabric choice, and as in previous challenge months... other 2 are from the kit.
A few days later:
As posted on Instagram for monthly challenge:


Block6:NebulaBOM... June... I LOVE this block. As I’ve done monthly in the BOM challenge— I created 2 practice and 2 using my preordered kit as I continued on my Nebula Journey. If my WIPs box is ever on empty- I’d create a whole quilt from this block by Jaybird Quilts! I love how the center of each block creates a different flower as colors vary! #nebulaquilt #jaybirdquilts