Friday, October 26, 2018


A little more than a month a go, I took on 
a new "project". 
I have wanted to reorganize my craft room for a very long time. 
And finally- I ran out of excuses, space, and patience with never finding 
what I was looking for when I needed it!
All of that said,
Procrastination is far kinder than surviving the chaos created through a purge and reorganization... 
BUT in the end- it was worth it!
The room was packed full of 
"passions of my past"...
 The SAVES- "because I might need them again"-some day...
The: "I got it on SALE, & it was too good of a deal to pass ups"...
WIPS were everywhere... (btw, when did I start that & what was it suppose to be?)
And of course, The PROJECTS I planned-
 but never got to...
OH, And then there are all those FABRICS
I just loved & had to- had to- have!!!

Luckily, The furnishings were already there... 
I just needed to conquer the chaos 
& find a way to gain control over the space.

I started by going through every cabinet 
& every drawer. 
If I knew I would really use it- I kept it. 
If someone else could use it
it went in a box for donation
Otherwise- it was time to bid our fair wells and send it to the trash!!!

My energy was fantastic at the start 
and my piles were organized 
and easy to conquer. πŸ‘Œ


The more I emptied and sorted- 
the less I could see of the floor or the table top.
 It was overwhelming and I needed to abandon and take no prisoners for the next day! 😱

Alas, the next day really REALLY buried me!
So, I decided to work on a smaller project 
and re-sort my fabric scraps & selvages... 
If they truly weren't large enough to use
it was time to part with it. 
Half were disposed of. 
The rest were sorted by color and neatly put aside.

I found these great gallon sized jars on line and then added chalkboard labels clothespins.
Now all my scraps, selvages, charms, and bindings earned their own coveted space as well!

Next up was my sewing space. 
The wall behind my sewing table has always been storage for all my threads. Leaning over it, I often could not reach the thread I needed
 and settled for another. 
Other times I knocked threads off the wall when quilting and projects pushed against them. 
Giving myself "a clean slate"- 
I decided to finally create 

Thread racks "behind my sewing table"

Thread station is now on wall 
beside design wall and cutting table

I refolded ALL my fabric larger than a fat quarter over comic book boards and 
sorted them by colors in to cubes and stacked 
most of them back on to the shelves. 
Fabrics I no longer was attached to- 
I put in the box to donate. 
Someone else will be excited to quilt with it and my styles have changed over the years.
I folded most fat quarters over 4 X 6 index cards. (unless they were already folded snazzy)

Now that the thread racks were moved, 
I finally had a place to put A PEG BOARD. 
For the first time I have storage to hang my embroidery hoops and other supplies!

Hanging from the door is a "shoe bag"
The openings are on the sides and are perfect for the fat quarters!

I had an old magnetic sheet I recycled to hold some of the odder shaped rulers and I am sure it will eventually acquire other assorted things 😝

After 5 weeks:
I am done and I Love my space.
And I have no doubt the mini CREATE quilt 
I hung over head (made by my friend Tricia) 
will inspire me to 
many special things to come...
(and now I will even be able to find 
my supplies to do so)




It's my own little creative nook:
Welcome to the

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