Tuesday, August 20, 2024

#ABIGDAY and my first project (preop)

After many months of waiting, my B990 finally made its way to our house!
I couldn't wait to get it set up 
in my current sewing space...
Alas, it arrived only days before 
I was scheduled for my 
Total Left Shoulder Replacement Surgery...
I found a wonderful video share 
on line with full video 
instruction for how to make 
"ACL Shoulder Surgery How to make a sling for support of shoulder or 
arm after reconstructive surgery"
I started by quilting to fat quarters of TP fabric
Then I traced the shape of a 
purchased sling to create a pattern.
I added an iPhone sized pocket
& sewed a binding all the way around the outer edge.
Next up was adding ribbon 
to 4 corners to hold straps
I cut up a shoelace and 
sewed it around the ribbons.
But then...

Next up would be the straps.
Alas, that's also when I had 
my first thread battle...
My machine was now 
officially christened.
After much patience--- 
I eventually got the nest cleaned out.
I had to sew the velcro on 
the needle and thread dogs hated it.
And then it was finally complete!
Surgery is tomorrow... 
And I will be in the mega brace several weeks. 
But this gives me something 
personal to look forward to.
It will be quite a while before 
I get to sew again... 
or finish setting up my new sewing space.
But when I am back...
it will be the new bionic me :D

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