Wednesday, September 28, 2022


Wedding chaos is in full bloom 
and I am treasuring brief breaks 
of distraction any way I can steal them!
I ordered my Running with Scissors Bag on ETSY, because who was I kidding, 
I was never going to get around to making this one.
Then- my limited edition 
Tula Pink Parisville patches 
arrived and I decided to bite my lip 
and take them out of the package. 
(I know... Tula taboo- but hey, I bought 2 sets!)
It may have taken me all day 
to sew this chenille hairspray on by hand! 
But I think she is the ideal finishing touch
 and I will be perfectly supplied for Quilt Festival! 
Anywho, between wedding packing... 
keeping up with RSVPs and 
 I have been eager for sewing to destress. 
Sew, I finally decided to create 
This pattern by lillella stitchery 
was a free pattern download 
requiring a bit of planning ahead 
to order the precut sheet metal and magnets.
Available through her site:

I decided to piece fabric instead of going
 with a straight cut to allow more variation, 
and I am really glad I took the time to do so! 
I used fabrics from Tula Pink's 
Curioser and Curiouser, 
Parisville Deja Vu, Homemade... 
and whatever other fragments I might
 have stumbled on that caught my eye. 
One of my favorite things about Tula's
 fabrics is how much most can be combined!
Eventually, I completed the quilting
 of the body of the pattern...
And trimmed it down per pattern...
Next I added the pockets...
Then I sewed seams to create compartments...
And Finally-
the moment of truth...
I was so relieved the magnet slid in
 to the pocket I had created.
I bound it like a quilt...
And then I put it aside to start the other pieces...
Distraction & Wedding Chaos 
left me forgetting to take any pics 
along the way of creating 
the pin cushion or tray. 
Oh well... these things happen.
I put them aside to work on trash pouch...
and here it is sewed in place...
And now it awaits some EPP time!

Sept 29, 2022
I also just completed a 
"Hold Tites Little Folio" 
that Lillella Stitchery designed 
for storing Sew Tites magnetic pins
 with two pieces of metal in the body
 to keep them in place. 
A double layer of felt (or in my case flannel...) 
acts as a buffer between the Sew Tites
 on front and back and 
also provides storage for pins
 & needles. She describes 
the Hold Tite Folio 
as perfect for tucking 
into a project bag, 
keeping on your sewing table
 or using for extra storage 
to help prevent a big clump
 of Sew Tites and 
everything they stick to! 
We'll see how useful I truly find it...
I did some EPP by machine
 to embellish my case!
Then realized I had made 2 fronts!!!
So no my inside is just a snazzy as outer!!!
The 2 metal strips are the true key
 to this and were preordered.
The pattern was another freebie from her site.
I think it needs a bit of time to settle...
so I clipped in place
Hopefully it will be useful...


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