Friday, April 28, 2023

Neon True Colors Jellyroll Rug

It’s been a few years 
since I created a jelly roll rug- 
but Tula Pink’s new 
Neon True Colors 
called out to me and  
I just had to go for it… 
these colors just brighten 
the whole kitchen space! 
I started out by piecing 
all the strips from the jelly roll together
(using a denim needle)...
The rainbow grew and grew...
Eventually, all were pieced 
with a diagonal seam at 90 degrees
Then I used my seam clip at each joint... 
freeing up the chain
I cut away the joined angle...
Pressed, and played out for next step...
I am grateful to have had access
 to 2 1/2" jelly roll batting-
it spared me having to cut and join batting like the old days. 
I clipped away...
Once I was out of clips, 
I started sewing...
Eventually, I made it to the end
 of the roll of batting. 
I sewed it to a second roll- 
and was then back to 
creating my rug roll...
It was a L-O-N-G day. But eventually I was done.
I rolled it in a ball... 
put it in bowl and called it a night.
This morning,
I placed the bowl between my feet 
at my sewing table and slowly 
began to sew my rug.
The center part was likely the hardest... 
I failed to get it as straight as I'd hoped. 
But it is good enough...
I took a break at each color change
 to starch and press flat
Round and round...
Eventually, it stopped fitting
 on ironing my board without fold
 or sewing machine table... 
but you just keep going until 
you run out of your fabric coil...
Each time I took rug off to press, 
I also cleaned fuzz from machine area.
And finally, I was out of coil 
and my rug was complete!
in front of kitchen sink!


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