Friday, May 1, 2020


It's been a year since I posted...  I finally feel whole again!

I sew daily now to keep my sanity & cope with this plague & "house arrest".
I've been very busy sewing for our first grandchild due any day now! 
I have many projects completed I plan to share!

But first- 
I thought I'd share some mask making... 
Because I'm a quilter- 
and, it's what we do!

It took a while to get in the rhythm, but once I got things going... things started to go quicker.
I downloaded 4 different free patterns shared by fellow quilters. 
Since that time- far more (& many simpler) patterns have been posted.

I've completed over 100 masks!
I quickly learned the ones with wire & ties are best for going over the N95 masks 
needed by staff within the hospital.

But I also made several dozen with elastic ear bands for casual wear 
to be worn about town. 
They take far less time to sew!

Soon after,
 I got a plea for headbands with buttons:
 to protect nurses ears from elastic pressures caused by N95 masks worn all day. 

Those masks allowed me to use up my remaining 3/4" & 1" elastic.

I must admit- I was relieved to completely run out of elastic in this house, 
but happy to make my contributions.

Mask worn over N95 in hospital

Pictures sent long distance by family after deliveries:

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