Monday, October 12, 2020

The Jawbreaker!

Project  three on my Journey to Nebula was 
The Jawbreaker! 
I am so grateful for the team support and video lessons shared weekly by Jaybird Quilts. 
She gives it her heart and 
we are all learning so much!
I have opted to stick with Tulla's fabrics, 
focusing on True colors, 
so eventually I will have lots of bed fluff!
Her patterns are fantastic & easy to follow... 
only real obstacle ever is... ME! 
And with her video accompaniment 
and FB group shares with team J2N, 
the team support is empowering!

Her sidekick ruler is the key!
Project Week 1 is always spent prepping...

Week5:J2N... piecing jawbreaker triangles continued J2N challenge! #journey2nebula#jawbreakerquilt #jaybirdquilts#tulapinktruecolors

During the week I played around several times with varied layout ideas... 

eventually time ran out & I settled on one... 
watched second video and began to sew...
Once fully assembled, I squared off... 
It was frustrating how much was cut away!


Week6:J2N... this pillow pattern certainly earned its name: “Jawbreaker”. Thanks again team J2N for the support! #journeytonebula #jawbreakerquilt#jaybirdquilts #truecolors


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