Monday, February 26, 2024

SP's Mystery BOM 2024 “No Place Like home”: Jan & Feb

Determination not to join any more Blocks of the Month until I got caught on 2023 EPP lasted “almost 6 weeks”. Here are the first 2 months completed of Sweet Pea’s Mystery BOM Sew Along for 2024 “No Place Like Home”. A new block will be released monthly, far more sedate than last year’s multi block masterpiece. (Some months had as many as 12!) #swpeaembroidery #swpeabom#noplacelikehomebom #bernina700e

I tried... I really did.

My only goal for 2024, 

was simply this: 

catch up and COMPLETE

Stop jumping in to project after project. 

Complete the 2 EPP BOM,

I am falling further and further behind 

on from 2023.

And the BOM that has all its blocks completed from 2022 still awaiting piecing!

It lasted 6 weeks... oh well.


I already had a full collection of 

landscape fabrics, 

so It just meant purchasing the 

designs and giving it a go.

I lined up the landscape fabrics 
that I have collected over the years
 to create a pallet for myself. 
Hopefully limiting myself to this
 large collection will allow continuity
 and individuality at the same time.
My Bernini 700E was good to go...
January's block was a home nightspot 
with fireworks, 
so I opted for the darker sky...
As the fabrics and embroideries stitched, 
I begun the desperately needed 
reorganization of my stitch space. 
It had had a VERY ACTIVE 2023 
and had been quite neglected organization wise...
All was going very well splitting the two tasks...
until it wasn't!
Once again, Distraction caused me to misjudge the power and strength of this mighty weapon. 
As my blood added new color
 to the landscape...
 I was forced to come to a complete halt
 as I hoped the butterfly closures would hold
 and I would not ONCE AGAIN 
be headed to ER. 
(They don't even ask any more HOW?
--- only, what are you sewing now...)
A few days later, with butterfly and multiple bandaids in place---
 I superhero powered forward.
I always wanted to live in a stone house as a child....
(close enough I figured) 
It took a week, 
way too much Neosporin, antiseptic, 4X4, 
and eventually butterflies and bandaids...
But eventually, I was done embroidering
 and it was time to swap machines
 and merge the blocks.
I was careful to match seams with pins
 and butterfly clips--- also, I stitched slow.
Wooo Hooo, Month 1 and 2 completed:

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